
When I was 22 I walked into a law office in a blue suite and red shirt. The ultimate colors of business.

I was young. And headstrong. New to adulthood and life. I only had a year under my belt out of college. My head still full of numbers and equations, and I swam in them. Relied on them. Reveled in them. Numbers were my comfort zone.  So was order.

12 years later I walked out and rode home on a vintage bicycle with a basket holding the remaining contents of my office. Mostly colorful coffee mugs and few of my favorite pens. That’s all I needed. I left the numbers behind. I traded in my pencil skirts and twinsets and heels for torn jeans and faded t-shirts and flip flops.

It was like telling my parents that I wanted to drop out of college and “find myself.”

She wrote to me and said “despite your protests, I knew this day would come. I knew your art would emerge and dominate your heart and mind. I believe in your creativity and gifts. It has been a privilege to watch you grow.”

I have been witness to most big events in their lives. Mostly quietly behind the scenes. Behind a camera. Sometimes not so quietly.  They have seen me go from a child to middle age. They have seen the soft emerge from me. They know my strength. They know I am forever positive. They are watching me navigate parenthood. We have been through sickness. Death. Struggles.  Life. We’ve watched each other go through all the stages.  There is a very long history with us.

Sometimes you walk into people’s lives, and you never walk back out. I have no doubt this will be the case with us.

Thank you, both of you… for believing in me. It means the world. Cheers to so many more years.

  • Corey

    Good evening Stacey.  You have given us such precious bookmarks of our memories.  Mom and Dad, our girls, our firm… our lives.  I am so very proud of our “scary girl”😉.  Your art evolves and is a reflection of your genius  and growth.  These next decades hold riches beyond your imagination…which we know is grand!  We love you dearly.  Kent and Corey 

  • staceyjean22

    Scary but well dressed 🙂 I love you CER & JKR.