Green Toes

Last week I made a goal for myself to be able to walk with both hands swinging next to my side sans pain.

This week …… cut the grass.

Both goals surpassed.

I think it’s very easy to wake up some mornings and think about all the things you “have” to do. All the little things that make life mundane at times.

It’s not as easy to think about all the things you “get” to do.

Green toes.

I love having green toes. I get to have them. A sign of summer, even though summer is slipping away from me.  But for now, I get to walk barefoot all day. Even while cutting the grass (yes I know, I’m not supposed to do that, but I’m a rebel) I get to smell the late summer heat in the air. Swat at flies.  Watch the lazy shadows get longer in the evenings. Those are good things I get. I try to find at least one in a day. One good thing. That’s all I need.