The Summer of 16′

This is the first summer I’ve had where I felt, as a whole, it was much busier than the school year.

Everyone in the house seemed to have a hard time keeping up with the coming and going and the in and out. There were a lot a nights that collapsing into sleep felt amazing.  But it also seemed like there was a lot of growth, inside and out (yes… the little big dino dude grew a bit this past year!)

There was a lot of baseball. A lot of pictures. A lot of mountain climbing. A lot of time in the car. A lot of wildlife seen. A lot of family seen. A lot of beautiful sunrises and sunsets.   There were a few flamingos. A few awesome meals. A few trips to the hills. A few dipped feet in the streams. A few movies. A few ice cream cones. Water balloons got much easier this year. And bigger. Somethings got painted. Some new friends were made.  Some old ones visited.



