5th Grade

I have to confess….

I listen to the Peanuts song on the first day of school every year. I have it playing throughout the house. It brings a smile to my face to think of Charlie Brown in the classroom and the school teacher talking in the inaudible voice and his love for the little redhead.

He’s starting 5th grade this year.

I’m kind of in disbelief of that.

Wasn’t I just taking him to Kindergarten?

And instead of walking into a school scared to death, we walk in to a building full of people we have grown attached to. Walk past a bulletin board I put up a few days earlier. It’s his home away from home for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week… that’s an awful long time.

He asked about my 5th grade year in school yesterday. I hesitated telling him about it, but it was the year I spent on the reservation in my dad’s school. Let’s just say…. it was a year of personal growth and strength. But as I was telling my son the details of that year, he looked at me like I wasn’t his mom, I think he could imagine what it was like for me. I love it when your children start seeing you as people and not just as parents. I think that is extremely important for them.

We had our annual apple feast last night. Apple ribs. Apple dip. Apple beer. Pretty simple for a feast, and the little one couldn’t eat fast enough so her could go spend the last few hours of summer playing. I got a tiny glimpse of years to come.

Good luck my little big Dino Dude…this school year is going to be awesome.

