One of the Firsts

She was one of the firsts.

I chased her when she was tiny. We had shoots where everything went wrong and tears came. We went through awkward smiles. Teeth missing. You name it.

And then he came along.

And we went through all of the same things with him. (Right now he’s in the teeth missing, can’t figure out how to smile stage.)

And their mom commented.. “they all go through these weird stages don’t they?”

Of course!!! Most every kid goes through a naughty stage. Most every kid will pretend cry or be hurt. They will hate their clothes and complain. They will stare off into space. They all go through these weird stages, and it’s my job to make those stages fun. Or at least be able to laugh at them Because… that’s all they are. Stages.

After several years of chasing her… she is one of my easiest kids to shoot. Together we can make the most awesome, magical pictures.  And I have no doubt he will be too.

Thank you guys… for letting me capture all the weird stages. I have loved them all!