A Little Catch Up

They say that fall is the tax season for photographers.

And this year is no exception.

I haven’t had a ton of time to show off all my amazing clients lately, and I feel bad about that. As that is something I’ve always done. It’s a way that I have kept things personal between us. Me and my clients. Me and you. My friends, new and old.  I have posted on social media as much as time has allowed, but social media isn’t the same to me. It’s not my home (though I’m trying to get used to it, but coming up with clever things everyday or the perfect photo to fit in with all the others…it’s exhausting to tell the truth, and I find myself second guessing my choices constantly.) This time of year it’s hard not to want to keep up with the Jones’s in the creative world. It’s overwhelming and very difficult not to compare yourself to thousands of other awesome people out there.  And guys, I don’t do that in any other aspect of my life. I don’t want to start doing it in my work and creative life either. It’s not me. I have my own beat. And I want to thank everyone that does… for marching to it with me.

Friends… your beautiful faces, are why I love my job.  And I continue to learn and grow as much as I can. Even through resistance of change sometimes.

Here’s a little recap of what I have share elsewhere….everything looks so much prettier here!
