Oh Darling.. Let the Wind Guide Us

I’m a bit of a wanderlust.

Most people know that about me.

Sometimes I have a plan. Sometimes I don’t.

Is there such thing as an organized free spirit? If there is… that would probably be me.

It’s that time of year when my little guy and I spend some time just the two of us. Since he was big enough, we have wandered together. Normally through cities. And many, many coffee shops. This year we stayed closer to home.

I had a few things on my list that could be accomplished within a few hours drive, and friends I needed to visit anyway! (Thanks guys for the awesome accommodations!!!)

So in the car we went. Over the mountains we climbed and we landed in Steamboat Springs.

We bummed around town most of the day. Went for a little jaunt in the mountains. Saw some wildlife. Ate by the river.  Admired the fish there. Watched the sunset. All the awesome stuff in a normal day.  All the awesome stuff that I try not to take for granted, no matter where I am.

The next day I surprised him.

By flying the friendly skies.

In a basket. Hooked to a balloon.

And of course it didn’t even cross my mind to wonder if he would be afraid.

But he wasn’t.

I was quiet most of the trip and he asked why I wasn’t talking very much…. and my response to him was “I’m so in awe, that I have to take in all in, buddy, I don’t want to miss it….. we’ll can talk later.”  He hugged me and was pretty quiet himself for the rest of the trip, which if you know him, well that’s pretty unusual.

It’s a surreal feeling, standing in a basket. In the air. Above the town. Climbing over power lines that you can hear. Watching people walk their dogs. Watching the world wake up. Drinking your coffee in the sky.


We hand to land in the parking lot of a bank. The field we were supposed to get to didn’t work out. We ended the trip with Champagne and orange juice for the little guy. A tradition for hot air ballooners.

And then it was done.


What shall I do next?