A Play Place and Part of the Great Window Project

Starting last October, the windows in the my awesome front porch began getting replaced. There are 14 of them, and the windows were very, very old. To no avail, we tried to paint them. It just didn’t work.  So began the great window project. I wasn’t willing just to get rid of all these windows, so in true form we made other things out of them.  Many other things. (I will show you after pictures as soon as everything turns a little bit more green around here…..) See the cross bars on the windows? They were impossible.  And see how they were halfway painted last year…..they stayed that way.


Over Mother’s day weekend, in between games and family and photos, I jumped out of bed to paint my new tomato boxes my husband and I built the prior weekend. Actually, the hubby was suppose to build them, but I did a little too much complaining and wound up having to help. Which deep down, I love to do anyway. So it was all good.  I also painted “PJ’s pad”….. a little shed we had built for him to get away in.  The chain link in the photos will be going away this summer (thank the lord!!)


Obviously, there is still a lot of work to be done… but it is so fun to watch this place come together. I like to call it the compound. Buildings for all of us!!

More to come!