20 Fingers and 20 Toes

I have an ex-sister-in-law.

Well, I have a couple of them.

But this one I eat pizza with and go to the gym.

She recently moved closer to me and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve missed my her.

There’s been a lot of changes since she left. The biggest….twin baby girls. Red heads. Adorable red heads. 

So, I took a second to grab a couple pictures. And as expected, it wasn’t easy. Twins always seem to have an agenda all of their own, and most of the time they don’t let you in on it. They make you sweat and work hard just for a couple shots. But it’s worth it. Always worth it!

  • kara

    Oh my heck, how beautiful are those girls?!

  • Crystal

    Holy sweetness!!! I love these girlies!

  • Amber

    Those two are sooooo cute! Tell your ex-sis-in-law I said hello and her girls are beautiful! (Didn’t want to put her name in here just in case).