Things Missed on the Homefront

This past month had to have been one of the craziest, busy whirlwinds of mixed up days I’ve had in many many years.

We were all going in twenty different directions at all times.  Scheduling days down to the minute.  (And there were no sports this fall, which makes it all the crazier!) Sometimes it’s difficult to put things on hold, but there are days when I had to. And I’m glad I did. For my own sanity. And then were days where I spent 12 hours in front of the screen and feel like I haven’t got any where at all. And there were days when I started at 6 out of the door and didn’t make it back until 10.  Whatever kind of days they were… I’m always glad to have them.

But no matter what is going on around me or how busy I get, I still make sure to stop and look around at the colors.

Oh the colors of fall… they do get me through.
