
Last fall, just a few weeks after taking family pictures for this beautiful family, I got a message, that their not yet quite two year old, was diagnosed with ocular cancer. She had something called  retinoblastoma, which is a really rare form of eye cancer. They spent the last several months traveling back and forth from New York to a specialist and now, I’m elated to say she is cancer free! It’s my understanding that she will still have to be watched carefully for the rest of her life, and be screened and have tests done often, but for now she is a sassy little girl who gave me a run for my money while visiting her last week. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I can’t say I know what it’s like to have a child with cancer… but I do know what it’s like to have a child with rare problems that even doctors don’t know how to deal with. And I do know one thing about kids, they are extremely resilient. They fight harder than we do, because they don’t know any better. And they forget. They don’t remember some of the things we as adults forever carry with us, and let sting longer than we should. But that’s what being a parent is. Carrying our hearts around with us on the outside, it’s natural to have a hard time when our children are sick.

This family… they are amazing. Truly amazing, and I’m so thankful they let me capture just a few moments of their day. I’m happy to see them happy.

1 comment
  • Nanci

    This is a tearjerking story. Their Faith has been tested and they stand firm in The Lord. Amazing beautiful pictures. You captured the love of this wonderful family.